Saturday, September 3, 2016


Hello Guys,

I will be making 3-4 more youtube channels. I WILL make a YouTube video in the upcoming weekend about this.

Thanks for reading,


Sunday, April 17, 2016


Sorry everyone, I have been inactive for a while. I have made a video and I will have to edit + post it.

I will post it soon. Sorry for the inactivity.

-EndrCat Team

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Mini Announcement

Going to start editing a new vid guys!
42 Subs BTW FTW!

Signing off,


Monday, March 21, 2016

1.9 Update Video

1.9 Update Video is here after waiting more than 2 weeks!

1.9 Update Video

1.9 Update Video is here after waiting more than 2 weeks!

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Patreon Account Announcement

Hi Readers,

This is the new Patroen website I set up. Please support!

There is some things I want to announce things related to this:

  1. Don't Abuse the system
  2. No, I will NOT do prank videos
  3. I already got 1 dollar :D

Anyways, if you want to ask a question, do it here:
< br/>

Anyways, Thanks for reading,


Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Video Posting Announcement

Hello Readers,

I have not posted a video in 2 weeks. Sorry, because I am supposed to make weekly videos. I will try to post my next video that is ready to upload by Saturday. I will make another video within the next week. Sorry, I have a lot this week.

Also, please share my channel.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

50 Sub Special Announcements

As we enter 40 subscribers, I think I can say something.

We are almost 80% there. We have 39/50 subs. We also getting to the verge of 1000 views. Thanks for the support(for most of the people).

I do a shout out to the person who advertised my channel on Instagram. I think I got 3 subs from that.

Anyways. For my 50 subscriber special, I will be making a video for it. I will tell only a couple of things. I will also finalize rumors for this. After this, I will say some rumors for the 100 sub special that are out there, just to tell others about them. However, I will not finalize the 100 sub special rumors. I will also be telling rumors in general for my channel. And I will be answering some of peoples requests. I will then say some other announcements (One that I said and ones that are new)

Now to the 50 subscriber special.

I will say the following things that will be in there:

  • I will thank you guys
  • Announcements and future of channel
Now I will tell you some hints
  • I will show you something
    • This will be something I used
    • I will introduce a new thing
These are rumors that I will finalize
  • Give away- No. I will NOT be doing a give away
I will be saying rumors for my 100 subscriber special (no spoilers)
  • Give away

lol, all of the rumors

Now these are rumors in general:
  • I will be giving merchandise- Well, I do not now. Probably not, for I do not have enough money to do so. 
  • Prank calls- I put these when I think they are good lol
  • Prank Call is fake- I will say. It is NOT fake. I swear it is not.

Now These are requests:
  • Merchandise- look above
These are announcements. Both have been said and will be new

  1. I will have more lego videos.
    1. Most of them will be violent :P
  2. I will focus more on Minecraft and less on other things
  3. I might start a rant series(this is a risk).
  4. I will introduce new things to my channel slowly (by the amount of subs)
  5. I MIGHT make social media for this channel

This is it. Thank you for reading. Fell free to ask me any questions.

Signing off,


Thursday, February 25, 2016

Super Epic Poll

m8 i tink dis is da best pool i evar don m8 i r8 8/8 i really apreci8 m9.

Go here m9

Just delite le r end of url

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My First Post on Blogger

Hi reader, this is my first post for my Youtube Channel blog and overall on blogger. I want to say that this is the blog for some stuff. I want to put what this blog will be for.

1. This will be used for non video announcements
2. This will be used for links for certain things that are on this website

1. Don't be a jerk on the comments.
2. Don't try to do stupid stuff.

This does not help much, but this is just a post to tell some basics.